Using Hewlett-Packard Products to Enhance Network Security

//Using Hewlett-Packard Products to Enhance Network Security
Using Hewlett-Packard Products to Enhance Network Security 2024-05-17T12:03:47-05:00


Hewlett-Packard has several, well-proven tools that can be used to progressively harden networks against attacks by malware and hackers.

ClearPass Network Access Control (NAC)

 IntroSpect’s UEBA is integrated with HPE Aruba Networking ClearPass, the combined solution delivers three key security innovations: advanced attack detection, accelerated investigation, and automated policy-based enforcement.If you want to make sure that only the right devices, with the right configurations, associated with the right user, get access to only the right network segments and services, implementing ClearPass as a Network Access Control (NAC) system is a good idea. ClearPass can be installed with any brand of network switches and wireless access points. It talks to those switches and access points on the front end and uses the user information and permissions that’s already in your back-end databases of devices and users—gluing those databases to your networks.

ClearPass and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

If you need to establish a secured BYOD program, ClearPass is an excellent—and very cost-effective—choice. You buy one or two virtual applications to control access, and then a pool of access licenses that are used only when the users are actually on the network. ClearPass can also be used with other security products in the MXN security portfolio to automatically find malware-infected PC’s and hackers on your internal networks and then to automatically quarantine them.

Introspect User Entity Behavior Analysis (UEBA)

Hewlett-Packard also offers Introspect, which is a User Entity Behavior Analysis (UEBA) product that baselines and categorizes routine user behavior, and then alerts on any significant deviation from that routine. Someone suddenly downloading lots of files or accessing radically different resources may be an attempt at data theft, and should be recognized for investigation. This is but one additional layer to alert to possible data theft or hacking on the internal networks by employees and other people with system access.

Network Protection from Hackers, Malware, and Data Theft

Worried about malware and hackers? These Hewlett-Packard security products integrate well with other security products in the MXN security product portfolio to provide robust, automatic defenses against data theft, ransom, damage, and loss of resources, productivity, and time.

ClearPass + Introspect = 360° Protection

It’s possible to provide an excellent additional layer of security protection for your networks very quickly, at a very moderate cost. You can add world-class security and get automated action to defeat a wide range of hacks and attacks in as little as two days. We guarantee that you cannot find this anywhere else, and we can prove it. We also guarantee that the cost of these products, integrated with your existing firewalls and anti-virus software, will cost much less than your next successful attack.

Contact us to schedule a talk or demo.

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