Security Flowchart Introduction

/Security Flowchart Introduction
Security Flowchart Introduction 2019-06-12T12:57:26-05:00

This page introduces a new combination of existing, mature products that’s different from all other security products in that it automatically defeats hackers, malware and ransomware. It doesn’t deluge you with the welter of alerts and the background noise that other security products do, and you also don’t have to be a security expert to successfully understand and use it.

It overlays your existing security systems, providing another layer of protection done in a different way. It interoperates with those security systems to improve your reaction to attacks; greatly increasing your defenses. It installs in less than a week, and you’re getting much better protection within two days of the start of installation. There’s a basic system for a low entry cost that can meet a lot of protection needs, and then products and services can be hung on this security framework to expand and deepen the protections if the situation warrants. And as said, it uses a lot of your existing security products to provide protection, so as to reduce the cost.

You can buy the product and its installation and configuration (CAPEX) or rent it with monthly or quarterly payments on a multi-year contract (OPEX). In either case it costs much less than the salary of one security-focused IT person, it costs much less than outsourced security protection, and of course it costs a lot less than the next successful attack on your networks.

The flowchart linked below explains the usual methods of attack on the left, and then the system response in the middle. Click on any block for more information. Ask for an on-site explanation of the system, or for a quote; both are readily available. Select ‘Contact Us’ at the top of the page to make a request for those explanations, visits and quotes.

View the Security Flowchart